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Relato de Caso

Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)

Sheehan Syndrome: about a clinical case

May 14, 2024


Postpartum hypopituitarism, commonly referred to as Sheehan’s syndrome, arises from pituitary gland necrosis, a consequence of severe hypotension or significant uterine bleeding during or immediately after childbirth. The ensuing spectrum of manifestations stems from diminished secretion of one or more crucial hormones originating in the pituitary gland, ranging from mild clinical presentations to life-threatening outcomes.
While the complete pathophysiological understanding remains elusive, postpartum hemorrhage, still the leading cause of Sheehan’s Syndrome. However, it is postulated that genetic and autoimmune factors play contributory roles, given the frequently observed gradual progression, often necessitating years after the initial insult for discernible effects to manifest.
In this report, we show a case of Sheehan’s Syndrome diagnosed in an outpatient medical setting, over a decade after the last pregnancy. The patient received treatment involving thyroid hormone and corticosteroid therapy, resulting in a notable enhancement of her overall condition.


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