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Artigo de Revisão

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)

The impact of the hegemonic model of masculinity on health care

April 19, 2023


This study seeks to investigate the relationship between the hegemonic model of masculinity and the low demand for health services, considering that male behavior in relation to health may be largely associated with culture, directly influencing the organization of public health policies involving this population. This is an integrative review of the Scielo, Virtual Health Library and Business Source Complete (EBSCO) databases. As inclusion criteria, full articles available in the databases were used, in Portuguese or/and English and published in the last 10 years, and articles repeated in the databases were excluded, totaling the selection of 25 articles for review. It was found that the influence of culture on health care by men is evident, and there needs to be changes in this paradigm, seeking a change that involves users and professionals of health services. The creation of permanent public policies, involving popular participation, especially of the public in question, managers and health professionals is essential to reduce the morbidity and mortality of this population. More studies should be carried out, also involving students from courses in the health area, to identify, understand and discuss the model of masculinity from the teaching and training of health professionals.


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