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Relato de Caso

Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)

Post-cholecystectomy biliary ileus: case report

May 14, 2024


Gallstone ileus, an unusual complication associated with cholelithiasis and also chronic cholecystitis, predominantly affects women and elderly people over 60 years of age. Its incidence is low, representing 0.5% of biliary complications and intestinal obstructions, and its occurrence is rare in patients with past cholecystectomy surgery and there are only 49 case reports validated and published in the period from 1939 to 2019 in the world according to a database review including PubMed and MEDLINE. This article reports the case of a young patient, 48 years old, with intestinal obstruction caused by gallstone ileus and a medical past history of cholecystectomy.


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