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Relato de Experiência

Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)

Surveillance of notifiable diseases in a hospital in Fortaleza: an experience report

May 15, 2024


This is an experience report that aims to evaluate the national information system of the most recurrent diseases and/or conditions of compulsory notification at the José Martiniano de Alencar Hospital and Maternity, located in the municipality of Fortaleza-CE. This maternity hospital is a state reference and offers, at the time of admission of pregnant women, rapid serological testing for the detection of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in order to control the diseases and prevent vertical transmission. For the elaboration of this product, a survey of the disease that was most reported in the HMJMA was initiated, in the period from 2018 to 2022, with congenital syphilis being the selected disease. Thus, this product was developed in June 2023, based on this survey, the analysis and evaluation of the Notifiable Diseases Information System (Sinan) was followed. The results of this experiment were: verification of the good completeness of the variables pertinent to the Congenital Syphilis form, notification by the epidemiological surveillance of all naciturnal patients admitted to the service, active search for cases, but in relation to the opportunity of typing, it is necessary to devise strategies for entering the data into the system in the shortest possible time, although it is a weekly notifiable disease and it is an epidemiological orientation to wait for the results of the re-evaluated tests for better reliability of the case definition, mainly about Neurosyphilis. Thus, the following is a suggestion that the physician responsible for the hospitalization fill out the notification, as well as the typing of these forms in the same place of occurrence as a way to provide opportunities for the planning and decision-making process.


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