Introduction: A nearly and consistent diagnosis for oral and maxillofacial pathologies, as well as the poor epidemiological data on the oral disorders diagnosed in the city of Fortaleza, Ceara, a great comprehension concerning such entities is needed. Aim: The current article described an epidemiological survey for medical patients records undergoing their biopsies performed at the Service of Oral and Maxillo facial Surgery and Traumatology of the José Martiniano de Alencar Hospital in Fortaleza, Ceará. Medical records were analyzed from May 5, 2015 to December 31, 2020, in 72 (seventy-two) months. Data related to patient’s identification were examined: age, sex, birthplace, type of lesion and biopsy, early diagnosis, references to clinical, final and histopathological diagnoses. Histopathological reports, as well as clinical hypotheses, were categorized into thirteen groups of lesions. The gathered data were organized and imported into the Statistical Package for The Social Sciences program to prompt the statistical analysis. The level of significance adopted will be 95%. In Brazil, there are several studies that emphasize the incidence and prevalence of lesionsthat affect the stomatognathic system, based on the high diversity of diseases that affect the oral and maxillo facial complex. The study reflects the importance of oral and maxillo facial epidemiological research in health services.